wet floor sign

Who Is Liable for a Slip and Fall Injury? What You Must Know

Slip and fall accidents are common, and in America, there are certain protections for people who suffer from this type of accident. At work, for example, employees are entitled to compensation if they suffer this type of injury while on the clock. The situation is slightly different if you get injured elsewhere, like in a grocery.

If you slip and fall in the produce aisle, the property owner could be liable if there was no wet floor sign warning people of the risk of a fall. Keep reading to learn more about what liabilities business owners have in this situation.

What to Do if You Sustain a Personal Injury

The first thing to do if you fall on a slippery floor is to seek medical attention. Even if you have no apparent injuries, you need a doctor’s evaluation and clearance. Following this type of accident, many people don’t get treated because they feel fine. Eventually, they find out that they have a severe infirmity. 

Others don’t go to the hospital because they don’t want to incur medical bills. If you get injured by accident, though, you could make a fall claim. An accident lawyer can assist you in creating one. There are many kinds of personal injuries—below are some of the common ones people suffer in a slip and fall accident.

Concussions or Brain Injuries

Brain injuries range from mild concussions to severe and permanent damage. Concussions lead to temporary unconsciousness; sometimes, people also sustain abrasions or physical head injuries when they slip and fall. However, the effects of a permanent brain injury do not manifest immediately.

Neck and Back Injuries

Whiplash and other neck injuries happen when muscle tissue, the vertebrae, or other parts of the neck are broken or injured. Neck injuries are potentially fatal—they need an immediate and thorough medical examination.

Meanwhile, if you hurt your back when you fall or slip, you could have broken bones, damaged vertebrae, or strained muscles. These can also lead to serious ailments, so be sure you seek medical treatment if this happens.

Knee Injuries

Falling on a slippery floor could also cause you to land on your knees, which puts you at risk for a severe knee injury. This joint has a network of bones, ligaments, and tendons that can strain and tear. When you experience knee pain following a slip and fall accident, seek medical attention immediately—you could experience lasting mobility issues if you do not.

Who is Liable for Your Slip and Fall Injury?

Usually, people slip on wet grocery or retail store floors without visible warning signage. When this happens, the liability is usually on the business owner since it is part of their responsibility to ensure safety at their location.

When seeking medical attention after a slip and fall, the last thing you need is to worry about the medical bills you will have to shoulder. If your injury is because of a slip and fall at an establishment, you can make a fall claim with the help of an accident lawyer.

Several things can help your case—a lawyer will know to go over things like whether someone has been injured on the premises in the past, whether or not the lighting in the area was adequate, and other factors that the store owner could have prevented.


Injuries from a slip and fall accident could be life-altering and devastating, and they can lead to lost wages or opportunities, costly medical expenses, and decreased enjoyment of life. If your insurance company denies your fall claim, speak to an accident lawyer—they can help you prove premises liability or hold accountable those responsible for this negligence.

Ronemus & Vilensky are your accident lawyers in New York City. Our experienced team gathers information diligently and builds your case promptly so you can have the best outcome for your claim. Contact us for a free consultation today.