
The Types of Police Brutality Prevalent in New York

Most of us would turn to the police when we need protection from harm, but unfortunately, the times are changing. Countless souls—Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Ezzel Ford, and many more—lost their lives due to a police officer. Because of this, their names are known in every state of the country as people seek

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construction worker

Wrongful Death Claims – New York Jobs That May Kill You

With commerce at every corner giving life to this bustling metropolis, New York City truly is the city that never sleeps. It’s an international melting pot of tourism, having one of the country’s biggest populations. From housing rich residents to holding one of the country’s biggest buildings, and being a flourishing port city too, how

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working lawyer

Survivorship Claim vs. Wrongful Death Claim—The Differences

Life can never be replaced, and neither can a loved one. When death happens, the survivor is left devastated, forced to carry on without their partner any longer. While this is a situation that no one should ever experience, it is inevitable as life itself is finite. With that being said, if you have lost

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Filing Emotional Distress Claims

Filing Emotional Distress Claims in New York City – What You Should Know

An accident can result in both physical and psychological injuries. If you or a loved one has experienced trauma and psychological distress after an accident, you are entitled to proper compensation. While the physical injury is easy to prove, the case for psychological damage can be more challenging. This article will talk about how to

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Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Important Advantages of Hiring a Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Victims of medical malpractice often think that their case is a clear-cut victory. After all, shouldn’t the law protect your rights as the injured party? Unfortunately, such cases are rarely that simple. The doctors and hospital that wronged you are likely to lawyer up intensely, so why shouldn’t you? If you are still not convinced

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Why Hire an Auto Accident Lawyer in New York – 3 Benefits

Millions of vehicular accidents occur in the US each year, and unfortunately, New York is a city that is not exempted. New York is known for its congested streets and bad traffic, and like any other city in the US, it is the site of thousands of vehicle collisions per year. If you find yourself

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4 Benefits of Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer in New York City

Not everyone knows what they need to do when involved in a car accident. If you find yourself in one, hiring a car accident attorney will help you handle the situation better. An attorney can assist you with things you cannot manage on your own. With their extensive knowledge and industry experience, they can help

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court order

The New York Court Order That Compelled a Remote Deposition

The litigation of medical malpractice lawsuits has changed thanks to COVID-19, which meant that courts struggled to protect the rights of parties involved while abiding by the law. Medical negligence claims proved to be a challenging area to navigate, given the complexities generally associated with these cases.  Recently, a New York court issued an order

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Filing For Medical Malpractice in New York – Our Guide

Exceptional healthcare is essential to take good care of your wellbeing. Unfortunately, there are some cases that don’t do so, which is known as medical malpractice. It is responsible for a huge number of fatalities wherein healthcare professionals fail to treat a condition by misdiagnosing an illness, causing them to suffer more. For instance, during

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doctors in a group

The Common Instances of Surgical Malpractice in the United States

Surgery is safer today than ever before, as medical technologies and discoveries have made surgeons masters at their craft. However, there are always instances where these proclaimed professionals act with negligence and cause harm to patients because of surgical malpractice. While these instances are very slim, the chances of receiving injuries while undergoing a procedure

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