Businessman patting a colleague on her shoulder

What Is Considered Sexual Harassment at Work?

Sexual harassment has always been a serious global issue, long before Lin Farley coined the term in 1975. In the past, it was incredibly challenging to report sexual harassment incidents. However, thanks to various sexual harassment awareness and prevention movements such as #MeToo and #TimesUp, the world is slowly moving toward a future without sexual

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Police pointed to the document for the suspect to sign the alleg

What Happens If You’re Not Read Your Miranda Rights?

Unlike what you may have seen on TV, committing a crime does not free you of responsibility. Your rights are a little more nuanced under “Miranda.” Nothing a defendant says to cops can be used against him in court if his Miranda rights are violated during or immediately after an arrest. Exceptions, like everything else

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Aerial view of car and train on road junction

Here Are the Things You Should Do Following a Train Accident

Trains are a convenient mode of transportation, especially in the city. For most office workers and employees, owning a car or commuting by taxi are unaffordable. Besides, cities are notorious for traffic jams—According to The Post, New York City has the worst traffic congestion in America. It makes sense why people prefer to take the

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Judge gavel on drugs background

How Medical Malpractice Lawyers Can Help You

Routine medical check-ups are essential, whether we’re sick or not. Whenever we go to the doctor’s office, or any other healthcare professional for that matter, we trust them that they will be able to provide us with the necessary care and treatment measures that we need. Unfortunately, nobody is perfect—and not even the medical professionals

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An accident of a man worker at the construction site.

Understanding the Liability During a Construction Site Accident

If you’re working for a construction company and part of your job is operating in the field as a member of a construction team, you must always prioritize your safety and welfare. In the unfortunate event that you experience an accident and acquire bruises, wounds, or other forms of trauma, you will require managing injury

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Judge gavel and a blood pressure gauge on a wooden desk

What You Should Know About Cerebral Palsy Medical Malpractice

Did you know that cerebral palsy may be caused by medical mistakes during childbirth? These are preventable mistakes that may even be considered malpractice. If you have reason to believe that your child’s cerebral palsy is caused by medical malpractice, a brain injury lawyer in New York can help you get the financial compensation you

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Lyme Disease Misdiagnosis: A Legal Battle for Compensation

The New York Department of Health reports Lyme disease as the most common tick-borne infection in New York City and the United States of America. In 2017 alone, the yearly number of Lyme disease cases in NYC peaked at 1,083—a giant leap from 215 cases in 2000. Lyme disease cannot spread from one person to

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signing law docs

CRPS Lawsuits and Settlements: What to Know

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), is a neuro-inflammatory condition that causes intense and chronic pain. Not only does this distressing illness bring about problems with physical activities and daily functioning, but it also leads to severe mental distress and financial burdens. If you or a loved one suffer

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police car

Filing a Complaint Against the NYC Police: What You Need to Know

Every police officer is sworn into service with a code of conduct. This means that they must operate and follow procedures with ethical behavior, which means they cannot abuse their power and delve into corruption. Sadly, not all officers follow through with their oath and end up ignoring these guidelines.  There are numerous types of

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Rights of Pedestrians Involved in Scaffolding Accidents in NYC

New Yorkers deal with scaffolding daily. Now a part of the cityscapes, scaffoldings are framed setups of metal poles and wooden planks that support building construction. It serves as a platform for construction workers to do their job every day. These are commonly installed beside buildings where people walk under, making them a persistent hazard

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