car accident

5 Reasons Car Accidents Are More Common in the Summer

Summer is often considered a fun time, with more people out in the sun and enjoying summer break. However, summer can also be a dangerous time for people on the road.

The time between Memorial Day and Labor Day has become popularly known as the “100 Deadliest Days” due to the spike in car accidents and traffic fatalities. But why does summer produce more vehicular accidents than the rest of the year? Well, here are some factors that contribute greatly to this statistic. 

1. More Traffic

With people going out and traveling on the road more in the summer, traffic can also increase during this time. And with more traffic comes a greater risk of accidents. To avoid traffic congestion and accidents during the summer, it’s best to plan your route ahead of time.

2. Driver Fatigue

The intense summer heat can do awful things to people. It can make drivers feel fatigued, which can lead to accidents on the road. 

If you’re making a long trip in the summer, it’s best to have a restful night’s sleep to prevent fatigue while driving. It is also advisable to take turns driving to ensure the person behind the wheel is well-rested and focused on the road. If you are driving alone and start to feel tired or dizzy from the heat, it’s best to pull over and rest for a while. 

You may take a quick nap safely on the side of the road or at a pitstop. And if you’re feeling sleepy, it’s best to buy a caffeinated drink to help keep you up.

3. Impaired Driving

Since a lot of celebrating happens in the summer, people can get carried away with drinking alcohol and taking drugs. This is especially true during the summer holidays, such as Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day. 

If you’re out celebrating, make sure your group always has a designated driver to ensure everyone’s safety going home. If you are inebriated, it’s best to avoid getting in your car and instead look for accommodations for the night. 

4. More People from Out of Town

With the influx of out-of-town motorists, the risk of vehicular accidents can increase. This is mainly because drivers from out of town are unfamiliar with the local roads and traffic laws. And so, they are more likely to exhibit dangerous driving behaviors. This could include distracted driving from constantly checking the GPS, sudden stops or unexpected slowing, or sudden lane changes.

5. Tire Blowouts and Breakdowns

The heat combined with long-distance driving can surely put a toll on your vehicle. This is why cars are more likely to break down during the summer. Heat exhaustion can cause your engine to overheat and break down. The summer heat can also cause tires to blow out. So, before you take a long road trip, it’s best to inspect your car and see if everything is running smoothly.

Final Thoughts

Summer isn’t all fun and games. It can also be a dangerous time, especially if you’re on the road. So, it’s best to take the necessary precautions to avoid being a road statistic. 

If you do end up in a vehicular accident, you can approach Ronemus & Vilensky to help you out. We are New York’s number one malpractice and car accident attorney. As one of the greater New York City’s most accomplished personal injury law firms, we have helped thousands of injury victims receive the financial compensation they deserve. Schedule a free consultation now!