signing papers

How to Settle Bodily Injury Claims with a Lawyer in New York

Today, road accidents present a major global health issue concerning escalation in fatalities and disabilities in the world. Approximately 1.3 million people die due to road traffic crashes each year, quantifying to about 3,700 people losing their lives every day on the roads. 

Moreover, the Association for Safe International Road Travel (ASIRT) estimates that auto accidents have caused 20-50 million people to suffer long-term disabilities

Injuries from road accidents often require serious medical attention, which involves hefty medical bills. If you or a loved one are amongst the casualties of road crash incidents, you may be entitled to financial compensation—which can be obtained by filing your claim.

Claims You Can File After A Car Accident

An individual may acquire two types of claims after a car accident: 1) property damage claims; and 2) bodily injury claims. You can file a bodily injury claim if you were physically hurt due to a car crash mishap. 

With the help of an auto accident lawyer, you can file a bodily injury claim either against the at-fault party or the insurance company to cover any expenses incurred from the accident. 

Filing A Bodily Injury Claim in New York 

If you need assistance with a bodily injury claim, here is a list of things you need to remember. 

1. Seek Legal Advice

Consulting with a car accident attorney can provide you with precise and expert advice on filing a claim against the other party. Principally, the expenses may be overwhelming if you have suffered severely from the accident. Furthermore, pursuing legal action requires statutory knowledge of the claim so that you may be adequately compensated. 

2. Gather All Documents 

Filing a claim for bodily injury settlement starts from obtaining medical records as admissible evidence of the injuries you have sustained from the accident. These records should include all your expenses from medical bills, test orders, prescriptions, and lost wages from missing days at work. Reimbursements for unpaid salary periods oblige you to submit a letter from your employer and copies of your payslips to determine the exact amount of lost wages. 

3. Process the Claim 

After gathering all the necessary records, it is time to file a claim with your car accident lawyer. The process of filing the claim also depends on the state you live in, particularly in ascertaining whether to settle against your insurance company or the at-fault party. 

For instance, in no-fault jurisdictions such as New York, you will need to settle your claim with the insurance provider. An adjuster from the insurance company will request detailed information regarding the incident. During this phase, you will have to be careful with your statements as they may govern the decision for your settlement. Before elaborating on your detailed account, make sure to consult with your lawyer first. 

The adjuster will also ask for evidence such as photos of the scene, damages to your vehicle, proof of injuries, and all records on medical expenses and lost wages. 

4. Assess Reasonability of the Offer 

Once the insurance provider concludes the offer based on the claim requisites, it is vital to review the proposal with your lawyer before signing an agreement. As such, you will also have to consider the imminent costs of receiving continuous treatment.

On the other hand, if the compensation is deemed unsatisfactory, you will have to seek clarification from your insurance provider and continue negotiating until you reach a reasonable offer. 

If both parties do not arrive with agreeable insurance coverage, you will have to discuss other legal options with your lawyer. 


If you or a loved one has suffered an injury or death in a road crash accident in New York City, you are entitled to seek compensation for your losses. Remember to seek legal advice from your attorney to get a fair offer of settlement that will cover your expenses. 

Seeking legal consultation from an auto accident lawyer simplifies the process of filing a bodily injury claim in New York. Our team of experienced lawyers at Ronemus & Vilensky law firm will provide you with expert advice on recovering the damages owed to you. Contact us today for a complimentary consultation.