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7 Post-accident Advice from Accident Lawyers to Remember

Car accidents are an unfortunate thing, but sadly, they occur daily. Every year, over six million automotive accidents are recorded in the United States, equivalent to 16,000-17,000 accidents daily.

Should accidents happen to you or your family, a lapse in judgment might ruin your chances of collecting compensation for your injuries. Thankfully, a vehicle accident lawyer can help you build a compelling case that accounts for all of your damages. However, it’s not just their help that can lead to a successful case; you must also take critical actions to make things run smoothly for you.

Here are seven crucial things to avoid following an accident:

1. Do Not Give a False Name to the Police

Few actually know why you should never give a false name to the police. It’s typically an attempt to leave the scene afterward and avoid getting involved. However, providing a fake name to the police is a crime even if you didn’t cause the accident.

2. Do Not Be Misleading About the Accident

Depositions are a fantastic tool for learning about other driver’s insurance companies. Although you are never obligated to speak to insurance agents, your statements, even if anonymous, could undermine your claims.

Besides being honest about the facts, you should also be civil with regard to all parties involved. Remember, speaking poorly of the other driver is the fastest route to a ticket.

3. Do Not Attempt to Leave Without Getting Medical Assistance

You should be transported to a medical facility following an accident, regardless of whether your injuries seem serious. Minor injuries can escalate, and you could end up in need of medical intervention that could have been avoided if you had gone to the doctor immediately following the accident.

When it comes to medical recommendations, the advice of medical professionals plays a critical role in one’s decision. Remember, a doctor’s word holds significant weight in court, so stay with the doctor’s recommendation, and never drive yourself to the hospital.

4. Do Not Fail to Take Photos at the Scene of the Accident

You should never leave your car after an accident until you have taken multiple photographs of the situation. Not only does this demonstrate your presence at the scene, but it also helps with the process of later identifying the other driver.

5. Do Not Accept an Unreasonable Settlement

Failing to receive the compensation you deserve can be challenging to be in. In non-disputed accidents, it may seem that accepting a reasonable settlement will take you far and save you from the struggle of going to trial. 

However, settling for less than you are owed is a mistake. Do not feel pressured to settle. Instead, seek the advice of your attorney and do not settle until you feel satisfied with the result.

6. Do Not Be Rude to Emergency Personnel or Police Officers

Disruptive behavior towards emergency services personnel can be a serious crime in some states. Not only is it dangerous to refuse transport to the hospital, but it is also dangerous to refuse the assistance of emergency responders.

In addition, being rude to a police officer is a bad idea. This can result in a fine and a warrant, so remember to be respectful to the police officers and emergency responders who are helping you.

7.Refusing to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

This is possibly the most critical factor to consider. Most consumers are undoubtedly overwhelmed by the complexity of both the insurance game and the legal system. A personal injury or an accident lawyer can assist you in navigating the system and obtaining the best possible outcome from a lawsuit or insurance claim. 


The main objective of a personal injury lawyer is to create compensation for their client that is fair. Assuring a lower settlement than the aggrieved party is entitled to. Having a personal injury lawyer on your side might help you get better compensation.

Call Ronemus & Vilensky if you need an accident lawyer. We are New York’s number one accident and malpractice attorneys, ranked among the top 100 attorneys in Metro New York from 2007 to 2020. We accept every case on contingency, which means you pay no attorney’s costs until Ronemus & Vilensky win your case. Schedule your consultation today!